Ph.D. positions with three-year stipends are available in the interdisciplinary research project “Varieties of Science Narrative,” a new cluster of interlinked projects within the Fiction Meets Science research program in northwestern Germany ( These projects will examine narrative portrayals of science—both fictional and non-fictional—in various forms and media, focusing on the global dimensions and diverse regional contexts of science and its place in society. Applicants should have backgrounds in sociology, literature studies, cultural studies, STS, media and communication studies, environmental studies, Asian studies, or a related field.
Fellowships are currently available for the following sub-projects ( for official position announcements with details, deadlines, and application instructions):
This project conducts a case study on the small island state of Singapore, examining how and to what extent narratives (in the sense of stories, whether fictional or journalistic) about climate change may move from popular culture into the political discourses, logics, and reasoning that influence policy making. The project requires several months of field research in Singapore. The project language is English; knowledge of Singaporean Chinese, Tamil, or Malay would be welcome, but is not required. Advisor: Anna-Katharina Hornidge, Professor for Social Sciences in the Marine Tropics at the University of Bremen and the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (Development and Knowledge Sociology working group).