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digest 2001-10-16 #001.txt

11:14 PM 10/15/01 -0700
From: "Society for Literature & Science" 
Daily SLS Email Digest

-> Fwd: Call for Papers
     by Carol Wald 
-> Call for Papers: Mephistos 2002
     by "benjamin r. cohen" 


Date: 15 Oct 2001 10:03:58 -0700
From: Carol Wald 
Subject: Fwd: Call for Papers

>The 13th Annual Berkeley Symposium:
>Interdisciplinary Approaches to Visual Representation
>The Berkeley Symposium is an annual event organized by and for graduate
>students, providing a forum to deliver papers on visual material from a
>range of interdisciplinary perspectives and critical approaches.
>We welcome papers in disciplines ranging from anthropology to
>comparative literature to city-planning. Last year's topics ranged from
>"Eisenstein, Dialectical Montage and Paradise Lost" and "Constructivist
>Photography and the Politics of Formalism" to "Virtual Eden: Picture
>Windows, Television and the American Post-War Lawn."
>The Symposium will be held on Saturday, March 16, 2002, at the Pacific
>Archive Theater on the University of California Campus. Some travel
>assistance will be available, and graduate students from throughout the
>and Canada are encouraged to send their submissions.
>One-page, single-spaced abstracts and a copy of visual material to be
>discussed are due on or before December 12, 2001, to:
>The Berkeley Symposium
>c/o The Townsend Center
>220 Stephens Hall
>University of California
>Berkeley, CA 94720
>For further information please contact: Bridget Alsdorf (510) 845-1031
>bridget_@uclink.berkeley.edu , or Joni
>Spigler (510) 701-2118 j.spigler@mailexcite.com

- --
Carol Ann Wald
UCLA Department of English


Date: 15 Oct 2001 10:49:44 -0700
From: "benjamin r. cohen" 
Subject: Call for Papers: Mephistos 2002

Mephistos 2002

Deadline for submissions: January 7, 2002

Each year the Mephistos graduate student conference moves to a new
and this year, the STS program at Virginia Tech is proud to host the
anniversary event. Mephistos is a multi-disciplinary graduate student
conference in the History, Philosophy, Sociology, and Politics of
Technology, and Medicine (sometimes known as "science studies"). The
conference offers an opportunity for graduate students to present
engage in formal and informal discussion, and meet students from other
universities who share their research interests.

The Mephistos 2002 Organizing Committee welcomes submissions to present
current research, a dissertation chapter, thesis or dissertation
proposals, or
other unique forums for interaction. We seek submissions of abstracts
graduate students in any discipline or interdisciplinary program on any
whose research analyzes issues in (or related to) science, technology,
medicine. Papers may range chronologically from ancient times to the
Please mail, e-mail, or fax a one-page abstract (e-mail submissions
for a 15-20 minute paper and a brief C.V. by January 7, 2002 to:

E-mail: meph2002@vt.edu

Or snail-mail:
Mephistos 2002
Graduate Program in Science and Technology Studies
Virginia Tech
131 Lane Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Tel.: (540) 231-6547
FAX: (540) 231-7013

NOTE: We plan to offer travel grants to all students who participate in
conference. As such, we encourage early submission of abstracts and
so that our funding committee can more effectively procure the necessary
funds. Thus, we will begin accepting submissions on December 10, 2001.